Meurer-Pustejovsky, Jolee » Jolee Meurer

Jolee Meurer

Name: Jolee Meurer Pustejovsky
Email Address: [email protected]
Subjects Taught: Principles of Agriculture, Floral Design, Advanced Floral Design, and Greenhouse Production 
School Phone Number: 254-981-2050
Conference Times: 8:49-9:34
Certifications: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (6-12) 
My Class Schedule: 
1st: Advanced Floral Design
2nd: Conference/8th Grade Ag 
3rd: Principles of Ag 
4th: Principles of Ag
5th:Principles of Ag
6th: Greenhouse Operations
7th: Principles of Ag
8th: Floral Design
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 254-981-2050
ClassLink: West ISD uses ClassLink as a single sign on solution for students. The
URL for ClassLink is If a student is unsure
of how to access it, please have them email [email protected] and they will be happy to help.