T-STEM Benchmarks 3.1-3.4: Strategic Alliance
Advisory Board Role and Purpose
The membership of the West Middle/High School T-STEM Advisory Board includes STEM business and industry, higher education, school district, and community partners. The purpose of this Advisory Board is to increase awareness and support across all West ISD STEM education programs and develop and strengthen the STEM school program through business, community, and higher education partnerships. The Advisory Board also assists in the preparation of STEM students for college or workforce entry in STEM fields through its support of campus operations and decision-making.
The West Middle/High School T-STEM Advisory Board provides a forum for open discussion and problem-solving related to student achievement. It provides all stakeholders a voice in achieving STEM goals and guiding West ISD STEM program.
The West Middle/High School T-STEM Advisory Board has five, main functions:
- Shape the mission and strategic direction of the STEM focus
- Engage in strategic decisions affecting the STEM program
- Ensure leadership and resources are available when needed to support the STEM program
- Provide expertise, counsel and guidance as needed
- Be an ambassador for the STEM program and West ISD
The effectiveness of the T-STEM Advisory Board is dependent upon the participation, attendance, and involvement of each Board Member.
Advisory Board Meeting Dates, Times, and Locations
The West Middle/High School T-STEM Advisory Board Meeting dates are:
- Monday, October 11, 2021
- Tuesday, December 14, 2021
- Tuesday, February 22, 2022
- Monday, April 11, 2022
For each meeting, the Advisory Board will meet at 6:30 PM in West Middle/High School, Room 321. If a Zoom Meeting is needed due to the District’s COVID-19 protocols, notification will be sent to the Advisory Board.
West High School has partnered with the Ingenuity Center at the University of Texas at Tyler and McLennan Community Community (MCC) in Waco for all T-STEM services. A copy of the MCC MOU is linked below.