T-STEM Benchmarks 6.1-6.4: Student Support
Tutoring and Other Intervention Activities
West Middle/High School is committed to teaching and learning with STEM philosophies in mind. The teachers utilize a variety of instructional strategies, including:
- whole group instruction
- small group instruction
- activity-based learning
- project- and problem-based learning
- cooperative learning opportunities.
At West High School, tutoring is offered every school day from 7:30-7:55 AM and 3:30-4:00 PM. Trojan Academy is also offered every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30 PM. This time can be used to complete make-up or late work.
Family Outreach Events
Each school year, West ISD offers four West University (West U) parent engagement seminars. Each seminar is based on a topic that is submitted via the Parent Engagement Online Survey at the end of each school year. The submitted topics include:
- Dyslexia Awareness
- STEM Careers
- Student Mental Health
- College Enrollment Process
- Cyber-Bullying
- Human Trafficking
- Dual Credit Opportunities
Each West U Seminar is recorded and posted to the West ISD YouTube Channel at: West ISD Recorded Videos
Counseling Programs